Blog Archive

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Provost Picnic

Tonight was the Provost Picnic and Past Potentate Tom Schoff and his wife Collette, Steve Maynard and his wife Vivian, and Ed Molen and his wife Nancy were all present. In addition, later in the evening Roger DeLong and his wife were able to make it over. Roger indicated he still has a long way back but is doing much better. And speaking of better, in addition to the Provost members and their ladies; John Bull, the Pam's and myself were also present.  ....oh I almost forgot and Dave Heizer (I probably would have forgotten except he remembered the better half and brought Linda with him...and as I've told Dave even if he can't make it, send Linda because I guarantee a fun time when Linda is around). Dave was late and I point this out since he might have had one of the shortest drives to get there this evening....he also wouldn't let Linda ride to the picnic in one of his cool cars and was bad mouthing the other Divan members present. But never fear I don't get even...I get ahead....after a quick discussion with John...Dave has been promoted to head elephant sh#& shoveler for the circus next year as a cost reduction item for next year's circus. Congratulations Dave!

P.S. once again Sir Buzzington was also in the house and I thought Pam 2 was going to try to take him home and rename him racer!

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