Blog Archive

Monday, March 19, 2012

Unit Director and Club Association Meeting

Brian Kennedy "schoolin" Nelson ..."never wear white after labor day
and pink nail polish goes with lots of different shades of lipstick least that is what Lippsy told me...."
 Tonight was the Unit Director and Club Association Meeting. Every month we gather the leaders together at Antioch to share upcoming events, let others know what we are doing, what is working well and sometimes even ask for help. Our current President Mick Lile runs a tight ship (just ask Jerry Jamieson) and was able to get a number of items covered this evening and was able to distribute lots of information. Jerry Jamieson announced we will be doing the Dragons Parking again this year just the payouts will be a better split for those assisting. John Bull announced that the Dragons tickets are available and they will be $14 each. Kevin Sweeney announced Onions are in the ground and orders need to be in soon! Watch the Crier and website for information in regards to upcoming events, parade information, and other information.

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