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Monday, January 30, 2012

Future Planning- 2012 "Gone With The Wind" Pote's Ball

Today, I met with Chuck Gamble to work on planning the 2012 Potentate's Ball which will feature a "Gone With The Wind Theme". We went over all the plans, budget, assignments and created follow up items. I mention this because often when events happen, they appear as though they just magically happen but it could not be further from the truth. I started working with the hotel on planning this activity around a year ago by getting the rooms and a tentative meal along with the date reserved. Chuck Gamble and Jay Johnston are taking the lead on this activity for 2012 and did something really great last year (as they were also the leads for this event last year for Bill Garlow) by putting together a step by step book of the activities, personnel, expenses and income needed to make the activity a success. We were able to use this information as a starting outline for the activities of this year. Bottom line .....there is a LOT of WORK, PLANNING, and FOLLOW-UP for each and every activity we do at Antioch but it is all worth it when it produces an activity with the best possible experience for a Noble and his Lady.

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