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Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Springfield Shrine Club

Tonight was the Springfield Shrine Club Meeting and it was a great night for the Hospitals as the Springfield Shrine Club donated $21,000 to the Hospitals from various fund raising efforts they have done throughout the year. They provided a dinner for all who had helped with the fund raising efforts this year and had over 70 in attendance. The highlight of the night however was a child who is being helped at the Shrine Hospital. The little girl had been to three Children's Hospitals who indicated they could do nothing for the little girl and since the family worked and made money they would have to pay for any treatments themselves. In all they spent over $16,000 on expenses last year at the Children's Hospitals with no results. After going to the Shrine Hospital, the little girl can now walk (which she couldn't do before) and has a wheelchair to help her get around when it is too difficult for her to walk. It made me extremely proud to be a Shriner hearing about her story and I guarantee the family was EXTREMELY appreciative. We invited the little girl and her sister to the Children's Christmas party so maybe you too will get an opportunity to meet this cute little girl.

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