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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Can you say WOW!!!

I felt like a proud papa who just had a new kid this morning at our Antioch Shrine Ceremonial (And sorry if I ramble today a little like a proud new parent...). YOU, the Nobles of Antioch Shrine, have come through again! We had Antioch Shrine noble representatives from Grand Lodge PGM Neil Smalley and Terry Posey along with current DDGM's Scott Sowder and Paul Weglage, PGHP Jerry Crawford from Grand Chapter, PGIMs Beecher Vaughn and Bobby Campbell from Grand Council, and PGC Burch Zehner from Grand Commandery to represent the York Rite of which was the honoree for this Ceremonial. As far as petitions for the Ceremonial ...drum roll please. we had 51 petitions turned in to join Antioch Shrine. And the good part is that I heard from at least eight who just joined today who already have petitions in hand to be filled out by their friends. (They said they would have had their friends join with them today but wanted to get to sign their friends petition).
In addition, I spoke to three other current nobles today who said they have a total of around 5-7 more petitions (filled out with money) to turn in but were waiting since they knew their candidates could not make the Ceremonial today. I told them don't ... wait turn them in and we will schedule a special short form ceremonial.  So if you have any petitions you are holding on to who couldn't make it today ... turn them in. We are looking to do a short form prior to the first parade as we have already heard at least one who could not make it today wants but wants to be in the parade in a unit on May 19th. OH WHAT FUN IT IS!!! .... to be charges with the "extra" job of finding dates to bring in more members to the Shrine.
I also spoke to the First Lady, Pam (we have so many Pam's it is hard to keep track of them all), and she wanted to thank the ladies of the Divan for helping out with the program for the ladies this morning. Pam told me last night she was sweating it out as they had 20 ladies bags prepared (due to indications from the return RSVP postcards they sent out) and they needed all 20 bags this morning. In addition, several of the ladies who came with their nobles today also indicated they would like to have one of the new "ladies of nobles" packages the Divan ladies created.

Oh and as a side note, I heard today a renewed effort will start this next week on restorations and retention for those not current in paying their dues. We have already over 40 restorations returned and at least 20 more requested by former nobles so I would expect them to be coming back in soon. Congrats to Dave Heizer (even if he did use a lame excuse that he had to go to the hospital this morning just to get out of some work) and the whole membership committee on a job well done and ....

P.S. Thank you to the Legion of Honor, Brass Band, Directors Staff, Photographers, Past Masters, Indy Cars, and John "the taskmaster" Bull for helping out today.

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