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Thursday, February 16, 2012

Minerva Lodge Inspection

I decided that it would be nice to have the Divan try to attend the home Lodge Inspection of our Divan members this year. Tonight several of the Divan members went to the Inspection of Minerva Lodge prepared to share information about the Shine with anyone who would be interested. This is my home Lodge and I think the Worshipful Master here proves something we all should remember, it is never too late to ask. When he came down to get his 50 year pin around 6 years ago he indicated the only thing he regretted was that he had not been able to be active in the Lodge. He also vowed that evening to start coming back. And come back he did and a few months later when an officer dropped out he asked if he might be considered to fill the vacancy. The rest is history. He has progressed through the line missing almost nothing. He has put his best foot forward and did a decent job on the ritual especially considering his age as he did his first ritual work ever after turning 70. This should serve as  an inspiration to all... it is never too late.

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