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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Circus Day Final Show

Another good day at the circus, at least for most folks but there was one poor guy who everyone seemed to be ganging up on....  Hmmm..I wonder who that woman was getting him with the pie?????? And while I heard the Divan had nothing to do with it, I'm wondering who was dressed up in the yellow and black Divan shirts....maybe a group from the Pittsburgh Steelers who were passing through (but as I told the lady as I was buying numerous black and yellow/gold table items one day at the store.... it is for bees not the Steelers.....)
This also was the first circus for my niece who prior to this weekend always said she was too "scared" to attend the circus. Everyone made her feel comfortable and she said "this was the most fun I ever had". Now that's what I liked to hear.
I wanted to thank Scooby and his friend Jim who spent the weekend as the Bumbles the Bee Mascot for me for this year. The kids in the suites loved it and despite it being VERY WARM in the suit at times....I think Bumbles also enjoyed it.
We also had several DeMolay and some Rainbow join us this year across multiple shows helping out in various manners including running up and down the stairs with various items which needed transported. I thought would include a picture with a few of them. Having been the Executive Officer for Ohio DeMolay for several years it was great to again have a large number assisting us at the Circus
What a great job from everyone making this a success. We changed several thing including the time of year for the circus and holding it when some of our snowbirds might be in Florida but the Nobles and ladies came out in numbers to help fill the needs. Someone today ask me how many it took to put on a circus and as we started counting up all the folks needs for each of the tasks, the totals were well over 100 per show. Considering we had 5 shows that is more than 500 work slots which needed to be filled over the weekend. In addition, we had numerous persons selling ads prior to the circus and many of our faithful Nobles purchasing member coupons. In short it is a monumental effort to make a circus happen and I would especially like to thank Stan Brookins our Circus Chairman and Carol Jamieson who coordinated our Circus Office Staff.

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